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Web Servers

Web Servers communicate with client browsers on one side - and with server-side programs and databases on the other.
There are many web servers out there.  Some are written in 300 lines of Perl code.
www.earth.com/server/doc/plexus.html - Plexus web server (httpd) written in perl (~1996)
www.cs.indiana.edu/perl-server/intro.html - perl server (Marc VanHeyningen)
www.cs.indiana.edu/perl-server/code.html -
sourceforge.net/projects/perlwebserver - web server in perl (~2000)
perlwebserver.sourceforge.net/ -
xmlrpc-c.sourceforge.net/xmlrpc-howto/xmlrpc-howto-perl.html - Frontier::RPC allows you to make servers
www.roaccess.com/rochade_products/docs/RoBridge.html - RoBridge Perl Server
www.bgw.org/projects/pas2/ - perl application server
www.webreference.com/perl/cdc/results.html - contest of servers (in Perl)

Others are big 40 MB multi-threaded monsters.
There are even web servers written completely in Java (they are usually slow).
There is evidence that web servers can handle 10,000 simultaneous clients: www.kegel.com/c10k.html

There are many reviews comparing the web servers - for example read here:
Look at the latest survey of the web-servers used on the internet today here: www.netcraft.co.uk/survey/ .
You can usually easily find what server is running behind a particular web site by using netcraft .

Most commonly used web servers are:
Apache (~60% of the Internet) - www.apache.org - the best, has modules to work with Java, Perl, PHP, etc.
IIS (Microsoft Internet Information Server) - www.microsoft.com
iPlanet-WebServer-Enterprise (former Netscape Enterprise)  - www.iplanet.com
AOL Server - www.aolserver.com - read also on  www.arsdigita.com/asj/

Talking about reliability and large enterprise systems, you may read this:
     ( http://docs.iplanet.com/docs/manuals/enterprise.html - Netscape enterprise docs )
